Below are some of the most frequently asked questions
Do you provide food?
Yes. Each centre has a chef on site who prepares nutritious and tasty meals using fresh and healthy ingredients. We provide morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea at no extra cost to families.
Any allergies should be discussed upon enrollment.
What are your teacher/child ratios?
To ensure high quality care and education, we aim to provide above Ministry of Education ratio requirements.
Are you open over school holidays?
Yes. We are open every Monday to Friday except for statutory holidays.
What is your fee policy?
Fees are to be paid by automatic payment a week in advance.
Fees are to be paid regardless of statutory holidays or absences due to illness/holidays.
A late fee of $5 per minute will be charged if your child is collected after 5:30pm.
Do you offer a sibling discount?
Yes. A discount of 10% off the combined fee applies when two or more siblings are attending the centre.
How many children does your centre cater for?
We hold a licence for 50 children at each centre.
Do you accept a WINZ subsidy?
Do you provide sunscreen and nappies?
We provide sunscreen. You provide your preferred nappies.
How do we enrol?
We would love to introduce ourselves and show you around so please feel free to call or just pop in to either Centre. If you like what you see and are interested in enrolling, we will provide you with the forms to be completed.
Do you offer 20 hours ECE Funding for 3-6 year olds?
Yes. We offer 20 Hours ECE Funding to all 3-6 year olds. The 20 hours ECE may be taken over any number of days however you may only access a maximum of 6 hours ECE funding on any one day and payment for any additional hours will be required. Your adjusted fees will be confirmed by our Administration Manager once your days and hours of attendance are confirmed.